Click on an age group to the left to access the corresponding lesson plan. Plans are designed to last between two to four class sessions and address age-relevant issues in health and medicine.The Handouts require the use of Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer. Click the link to download Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer.
There are three lessons in this group. The first two focus on the biological and developmental changes that take place during adolescence and addresses the nutritional, physical exercise, and mental exercise needs of adolescents during this period. During the third lesson, a health professional with a background in adolescent health needs leads the class in a group discussion. (Note: these lessons are intended to serve as an introduction to a more in-depth nutrition unit by helping students understand the biological processes that underlie their lifestyle choices, including nutrition.)
3 class sessions, plus time for student research
nutrition, protein, carbohydrate, adolescence, puberty, lifestyle
Have students write three paragraphs covering what they learned from their own research, what they learned from the completed grid about the biology of adolescence and lifestyle needs, and what was significant to them about the dialogue that took place with the class visitor. Recommend specific questions for students to organize their thoughts.